

(see video at bottom)
SURTREAT Home for Concrete Restoration 
and Corrosion Protection Technology

Chemistry Based Practical Approach to the Problem of Concrete Deterioration 
and Corrosion of the Embedded Reinforcement
Surtreat Holding, LLC is a technology based company providing turnkey technical solutions for concrete restoration and protection since 1989.
Chemical materials developed and manufactured by Surtreat Holding have a longstanding and proven record of success addressing the common concrete deterioration problems such as deterioration due to corrosion of the embedded steel reinforcement, delamination and cracking, chloride contamination, carbonation and loss of pH, chemical deterioration and loss of physical properties, surface loss due to freeze/thaw, pitting and wearing, deterioration caused by the ASR and other chemically induced forms of concrete deterioration and corrosion.

"...faster less expensive restoration and protection of concrete with better, longer lasting results."

                  "Extending useful service life of deteriorating structures is the basis for our efforts in addressing the problems of aging concrete. We provide our clients with high quality, cost efficient alternatives to extensive concrete replacement and reconstruction."
Robert A Walde, Surtreat Holding, LLC Chief Technical Officer
SURTREAT Chemical Materials
SURTREAT chemical materials for corrosion inhibition and concrete restoration and protection are topically applied liquids.
SURTREAT chemical materials are also used for protection of new structures.
Surtreat Holding, LLC also manufactures admixtures to inhibit the onset of steel and concrete corrosion in new construction.

Owners and operators of structures composed of Portland cement concrete can benefit from the use of SURTREAT chemical concrete restoration and protection materials. Various federal authorities, DOE, Corps of Engineers, various state and local DOTs and other highway authorities, municipalities, public and private utilities, NASA... are among our clients. Our private clients include major steel companies, parking garage operators, international and military airports, railroads, mines, and many many others…

Project data, specifications, results, test results, and other documentation are available.
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